Thursday, April 3, 2014

Migraine Headache: Day 121

By Zane Durant * April 3, 2014 * Reno, Nevada

Most migraine sufferers have a migraine that lasts for several hours. Maybe it will last a day or two. These people I call the "lucky ones" because I have to live with migraines almost constantly. Today, April 3, is my 121st day of this migraine.

That's right! This migraine started on December 3 of last year. I have had a horrible hot needle like pain behind my right eye for 4 months straight. I have to say I am losing my "you know what" because the pain won't go away, and I have a General Doctor that doesn't understand the pain I am in, or he is more afraid of the DEA that he is worried about my pain.

So everyday, the first thing I think about, is why does my eye ball feel like it's going to explode.. oh, yeah.. the migraine. Then it hurts all day long, until I go to bed. Same thing tomorrow. It might go away though. As a matter of fact, it hasn't always been this way.

About 8 years ago I got a migraine that wouldn't go away. It lasted for about 4 months, and then it stopped. I didn't know why it started, or why it stopped. Back in the 1980's I also had a bout of migraines, but they went away when I was about 28, at least back then they were one or two day migraines, not for months at a time.

So after that first four month migraine, they only came back once in a while for a few years, I would get one and then it would last a couple of days and go away. About three years ago, they started lasting long again. The first one was a month, then it went away for a couple of weeks then it came back again, and I lived like that for about a year.

Then the mother of all headaches came. 167 days long. It was the worst pain you can image for six months straight. Then one day, I was sitting on the couch watching TV and all of a sudden, like someone turned off a light switch, the pain STOPPED. I was afraid to move, really, I was totally freaked out. I was pain free the rest of that day, and then the next, and the next. My wife was freaking out, thanking God, asking me not to "over do it" and I all the while was just happen to be breathing, without a migraine.

I lived migraine free for 87 days. I know because I count both the good days and the bad now. So anyway, that pain free time lasted almost three months, and I was so happy. I wanted to "do something" but we were broke, cruises were out, no vacation time, but I was damn happy not to have that migraine.

It came back December 3, 2013 and has not gone away for one moment in the last 121 days. The only time it got any better was when I was in my chiropractor's office, and my chiropractor asked me if I had had a massage therapist look at my neck, and I said, no.

He went into the back office and came back with Angelique Calligari, and licensed massage therapist and she went to work on my neck for five minutes. In that five minutes she was able to bring down the pain level from a 8 to a 3. I am going to have to schedule some massage time because it really did lessen the pain.

The other thing I can do is cervical decompression. I am scheduled for one of those this week, I will let you know how it turned out.

Do you have migraines? What do you do for treatment? Do you recommend any doctor? Do you have long-term migraines like me? How long is your longest migraine? Any idea what might me MY problem? Please comment below.

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