Monday, June 1, 2015

Car Accident Injuries Can Be Helped With Chiropractic

-- You were just cruising along, minding your own business, then WHAM! Out of nowhere you get side-swiped by some kid texting and driving. Thank God you weren't killed. 

Now you have to deal with the pain and suffering. At first you want someone to pay for all this, so you call a lawyer, and get them on the case. Most of you do this from the hospital bed.

Your doctor will give you X-Rays and run other tests to see what has happened, and then they usually write you a prescription for about 30 pain pills to ease the pain. You go through those in a couple of days (not recommended) and you call the doctor for another refill.

What you may not have considered is that you could use a chiropractic adjustment after a car accident. Think about this for a second. You were driving along at, let's say 50 miles an hour and then you are hit, and jarred around like crazy. Of course your spine, and your neck is all out of whack.

So here is what I would recommend. After you have been looked at by your general doctor, and after you have filled your prescriptions, contact a chiropractor for an evaluation.

Today, chiropractic care is not just a crack here or there, not it includes spinal decompression and ultrasound therapy. Doctors of all sorts recommend chiropractic for patients who are suffering from constant or nagging pain in the neck or back.

A car accident can be the cause of neck pain. If you were in a car accident recently, or some time ago, and you are experiencing headaches, or the inability to turn your neck, contact a chiropractor today,

In Reno, Nevada. Please consider Dr. Dan Welch, or Dr. Xavier Martinez, at Integrated Spinal Solutions.

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